precious memories deserve

Canvas Prints

Stretched, Framed or Stretched and Framed? We knew we were onto a good thing with Photo Canvas Prints. Then we started framing them and gee whiz, what a remarkable way to display a photograph! All are hand made with care and precision by our canvas ninja.

Order Prints
hand crafted

Stretched Canvas

Order Prints
hand crafted

Float Framed Canvas

Order Prints
Hand crafted

Framed Canvas

Order Prints

Stretched Canvas

Order Prints

Float Framed Canvas

Order Prints

Framed Canvas

Order Prints

Canvas prints are a classic! But if you’ve seen the cheap looking, plastic-like ones from the big chains, well ours are not like them! Ours are made by hand, not machine, which means nice tightly wrapped corners and rich, smooth colour – check Specs below for the nerdy stuff.

Float Frame Canvas Prints are THE thing right now. If you want that ‘Designer home’ finish, from the magazines – this is how you get it! And they compliment any type of image.

Another member of our repertoire is the Flush Framed Canvas Print. These are especially unique and great for going LARGE!

Keeping with our theme of simple choices we offer float frames in white, oak and black. Our Framed Canvas options are oak and charcoal. Our stretched canvas comes in two stretcher styles – Gallery (25mm) which is the standard and a chunky style – Exhibition (45mm and recommended for sizes 20×30 inches and over).

We should also mention why you should get your canvas prints done through us. The answer is quite simple: They will LAST…

High volume machine-made canvas prints are generally not UV coated so they will fade and if not, the ink will flake off the surface of the canvas within a decade. Don’t succumb to throw away products and invest in something that will last. Plus, we LOVE making canvas prints because they always look soooooo good. So know that when you’re ordering your canvas print you’re also making our day!

  • All Canvas Prints are produced with genuine Epson Ultrachrome inks on genuine Giclee professional edition canvas, which has the whitest and finest woven cotton (lasts over 100 years). Both are archival museum grade and last even longer with our protective UV coating.
  • Stretched Canvas is our hand-stretched canvas print, it comes ready to hang and in a selection of either Exhibition (38mm) or Gallery (28mm) bar widths.
  • Float Framed Canvas is our hand-stretched Gallery canvas mounted with a small gap into a beautiful Float frame of your choice; Oak, Black or White.
  • Framed Canvas is our stunning canvas print mounted onto custom wood and framed with your selection of either a Deep Australian Oak, Deep Walnut or Deep Charcoal frame.
  • In-house production time is 5 business days for stretched canvas and 10 business days for either framed canvas style. Turnaround times vary depending on the paper types or mounting options you may have selected within your order.
  • Images are printed ‘as-is’, so no colour corrections are applied. Colour correction is an optional service you can select in your shopping cart. If most images you are ordering are from professional photographers they will not need colour correction. If you’re ordering your own photographs, colour correction is advised.

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You know you love us, your friends will too!