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Fine Art Prints

Printing a photograph on our Fine Art Paper turns it into your own personal piece of art. They look really good. Really, REALLY good. Try Fine Art paper prints and get your fancy on, everyone will be ogling!

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Smooth Canson Paper & Epson Ultrachrome Ink

Raq Photographique

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Textured Canson Paper & Epson Ultrachrome Ink

Aquarelle Rag

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Rag Photographique

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Aquarelle Rag

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At MyProPhoto we are Canson Certified Master Printers. What does that mean you ask? It means we know our stuff. Colour nerds through and through. Our Fine Art Prints are made with the highest quality materials and handled with the utmost care. You won’t find these prints at just any lab. We offer two paper types and they sound elegant because they are…

Rag Photographique

This is a completely smooth matte stock made from 100% cotton. Ideal for any photo.

Aquarelle Rag

If you like it rough, this is your paper. It’s heavily textured and also 100% cotton. Not suitable for close up portraits as the texture dimples skin tone, but perfect for any other image.

Be square or let us tear the edges for that rugged look.

  • Paper types are Canson Infinity Rag Photographique 310gsm and Canson Infinity Aquarelle Rag 310gsm (around 4 times heavier or ‘thicker’ than office paper).  Printed with Epson Ultrachrome inks you can find out more about them here.
  • In-house production time is 2 business days for Fine Art prints. Turn around times vary depending on the paper types or mounting options you may have selected within your order.
  • Images are printed ‘as-is’, so no colour corrections are applied. Colour correction is an optional service you can select in your shopping cart. If most images you are ordering are from professional photographers they will not need colour correction. If you’re ordering your own photographs, colour correction is advised.

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